Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Update #3: Paraphrasing

Limitations of Reproductive Cloning

Original Paragraph:

Cloning is defined as using the cells of one living subject, plant or animal, to create another duplicate subject. A cloned subject will be identical to its parent. Cloning has become the center of a huge debate over the advantages and disadvantages of producing clones, especially of animals and humans. While this technology could be useful for laboratory studies and for creating desirable livestock, there are several disadvantages of cloning that should be considered.
One of the biggest disadvantages of cloning is that the technology is still so uncertain. Dolly the sheep, the first mammalian clone, was born in 1996. While she was initially successful, she died young of a disease not normally seen in sheep of her age. Scientists are still unsure of any genetic mutations that might occur when an animal is cloned. Also, while Dolly was a successful clone, there were hundreds of failed clones before she was made, including several dead fetuses. Other cloned animals have turned out horribly deformed.

Key Ideas:
  • There are several limitations that reproductive cloning holds. 
  • The major drawback of cloning is that technology could be so risky. For example, Dolly the sheep was born in 1996 by cloning. She was originally successful, however, due to a disease that is unusually found in sheep of her age, she died in a young age. 
  • There were hundreds of failed clones before Dolly was made. 
  • Caused the death of several fetuses. Other cloned animals have turned out horribly deformed.
This picture indicates the different's between therapeutic and reproductive cloning, and explains the process clearly.
Source in MLA:
Margo Upson. "What Are Some Disadvantages of Cloning?" WiseGEEK. N.p., 01 Oct. 2014. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.

There are numerous limitations of cloning that should be reflected upon. According to my research, the major drawback of cloning is the technology it would be highly risky for anyone to do this. The well-known sheep named Dolly who was the first mammalian clone, died in a young age caused by a disease that would not normally be found in a sheep that was her age. Scientists are uncertain of any genetic alterations that have a chance to occur during the cloning of an animal. They have also tried cloning various sheep’s before Dolly which is soon followed by their death.
Video explaining Dolly The Cloned Sheep:
This is a 15 minute video presenting how Dolly was created using adult somatic cells and the way Dolly behaved throughout her life.

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