Friday, October 24, 2014

Final Write Up

"How is Reproductive Cloning both beneficial and harmful?"

The Problem (Causes and Effects)
Reproductive Cloning is the production of a genetic duplicate of an existing organism. Reproductive Cloning is an invention of making an identical existing organism by using the procedure called somatic cell nuclear transfer. I haven chosen one main problem to focus on that could be solved by reproductive cloning and it is for people to be able to create an organism that they are obtaining for.
Specifically problems that I have chose to find the solutions for are:
  •      Reproductive cloning will provide people who are not abled to produce eggs/sperms to have genetically related children.
  •      This method will enable same-gendered couples to have their own children with their own genes without the genes from an egg/sperm donor.

The main awareness about the problems I chose is people are requesting living organisms that they are not abled to have or regain. Providing people who are not abled to produce eggs/sperms to have genetically related children is one of them. I believe that majority of the population would want their own children with their husband/wife. However, some couples are not abled to have this experience because they are possibly an infertile person. According to a website called “thefreedictionary”, infertile means not capable of initiating, sustaining, or supporting reproduction. Unfortunately, some people who have this disease are seeking children with their own genes and they are not abled to do that. The causes of male infertility includes abnormal sperm function due to several problems, the possibilities are cryptorchidism in a simple form it is undescended testicles, genetic flaws and health difficulties (for example: diabetes, former contagions such as mumps, trauma or previous surgeries on the testicles or inguinal region). For females, majority of the incidents of this disease is caused by ovulation, the fewer causes are congested fallopian tubes caused by pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, or surgery for an ectopic pregnancy, physical complications with the uterus and uterine fibroids, which are non-cancerous clusters of tissue and muscle on the walls of the uterus.
Same-sex couples are not able to have their own genetically related babies because the process of having a baby would need a sperm and an egg. Unfortunately for them, a sperm is found only in the males’ human body while an egg is only found in the females’ human body. There is no cause for this problem since it is not chiefly possible for same gendered organisms to produce children.
Excluding the problems I have written, there are many problems that could be solved using reproductive cloning as well.             
                                                                                                                                           Science Solution
Reproductive Cloning is the solution that will solve all the problems that I have mentioned. Cloning is the cautious creation of genetically identical organisms. It contains embedding a blastocyst produced by a nuclear transplantation process in a uterus, where it pledges the progression of starting a fetus.
Using SCNT, Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer, researchers are able to use a cell from one human to form another genetically identical person. A cloned human being is not an exact copy of another. According to my research, a cloned embryo should be entrenched into the womb of another human being and be carried for approximately nine months. Starting from the utero, the knowledge of the cloned person and the donor will wander. While the inheritor's nuclear DNA will be equaled with the donor’s, there would still have remainders of the egg. A portion of roughly sixty genes would not be removed; it is the mitochondrial DNA that controls our energy metabolism. The cloned organism receives the DNA in the egg’s mitochondria, which produces alterations in the performance of the systems that has high-energy strains involving the muscles, heart and brain. Scientists believe that a cloned organism and their source complement will characteristically be less comparable to one another than identical twins. 

Process of Reproductive Cloning.
Reproductive Cloning permits infertile couples to have genetically linked kids with minimum aid from a donor. Infertility is a general problem in the United States today. A person that does not have a partner who wishes to have children could gain advantage from reproductive cloning, as this process removes the possible disturbance of discovering a third-party donor or the procedure of being concern if the child’s genetic parent could later entitle parental privileges. Cloning is also abled to be used for avoiding the spread of damaged genetic traits to children. Some people who are conscious that they have a chance to pass on destructive genes to their offspring may select to clone their partner to make sure that their child will not own the unwanted gene, while still preventing the use of a third-party donor. Instead, it is acceptable for individuals to clone an existing child who they are aware that the child does not have the injurious gene.
Reproductive cloning is also valuable for the LGBTI community. The LGBTI is an acronym that stands for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Intersexes. LGBTI community is considered as same-sex couples, reproductive cloning is a huge advantaged for them by the chances to consider genetically related children. A few gay rights activists acknowledged the probable benefits of reproductive cloning instantly after the birth of Dolly, the first successful clone, and supported this technique. Lesbian couples would possibly originate major benefits from developments in reproductive cloning. Gay couples, researchers argued against considering that cloning technologies are progressive enough to be convenient for gay male couples. The availability of gene splicing technique is the major argument. Further more discoveries, it is possible to use DNA splicing to generate a zygote, a fertilized ovum, which holds genetic materials from two men. While numerous findings suggest that this could be a possibility, others stated viable gene splicing technology is too far in the future to be a practical option.
Dolly, the first successful clone.
               Even though there are a lot of beneficial effects from reproductive cloning, it does have a few limitations. Reproductive cloning is considered complex, expensive and the process is usually from trial and error. There has been many deaths caused by reproductive cloning, it is highly risky, embryos that has severe abnormalities frequently cause this. Reproductive cloning is essentially dangerous. Around 95% of mammalian cloning experiments have developed in miscarriages, stillbirths, and life-threatening irregularities; some specialists consider no clones are completely strong and healthy. The system might not be industrialized in humans exclusive of setting the physical safety of the clones and the women who tolerate them at serious threat. 
It will be challenging to see how any other threatening submissions of genetic engineering knowledge could be prohibited if reproductive cloning is allowed to occur and becomes acknowledged because privileges are informally transferred, and no “privileges” to clone itself has been recognized. Additionally, there is a massive alteration amongst a woman’s longing to dismiss an undesired pregnancy and the desire to form a genetic match of another person. There is steadiness between supporting the previous and opposite the final.  
Animation explaining the limitations of cloning.
                                                                                                                                             Factor that Affects the Development of the Solution (Ethical)
Cloning is a popular topic for ethical debates. There are few passionate supporters of cloning. However, an amount of bioethicists have attempted to confirm that popular responses arguments against cloning are raw, and should not be continued. These observers have claimed that people’s disapproval to cloning is a ‘yuk reaction’, which is not abled to stand up to logical argument. In a comparable, wary way, liberals have reasoned that while cloning might not be necessary, stopping other people from doing it would interfere their freedom. 
Viewed from the religious perspective, several have argued that the doing of cloning makes humans God, a parity not considered as applicable as individuals lack knowledge. Ethically, the disputes are rougher. The beliefs of animal investigation believe that all animals are evenly created; signifying animal testing in science should be fully abolished. The potentials of unexpected health risks in cloned organisms and possible damaging effects of reduced genetic differences on the human gene pool are seen as ethical causes for anxiety in addition to the assorted ethical and social contemplation of rising population when international source obtainability is problematic.
(Video) Cloning: An Ethical Issue

Majority of the people, when questioned why they dispute cloning, usually answers about the topic being “unnatural”. However, some individuals think differently. My research has showed three distinctive concerns on this certain topic that includes disrespecting the complications of nature, that it characterizes the manufacturing obligation of individuality on nature and by completely changing the biological foundation of human nature it could damage our society.
Due to natural sexual reproduction, cloning varies conclusively from these previous interferences in reproduction:
  •      Cloning encourages things that logically never happens.
  •      Formulates a system of reproduction that is completely abnormal for humans.
The increase of the development in technology is difficult to oppose, excluding when it creates something evidently diverse from what has been earlier finished. It attracts social and moral meanings, which may be powerfully questioned. There is usually a supposition that the environmental is healthy and decent, and the false is substandard. Some religious philosophies believe that cloning will interfere God’s creation, which is completely and truthfully wrong. The word “unnatural” overall has a negative definition. While great material improvements in the quality of human life has been brought by the control of nature, a problem with it is that we normally have limited sympathetic towards the complexities of natural systems, and just a bit of respect for the things they do. The biological complications with cloned animals would seem to be just the newest in the list of instances of the profit motivated science that has no ability to use knowledge.
In a highly fundamental way, the possibilities of human cloning have increased. Each progress in reproductive technology resulted in a debate about sexuality, the family and culture. Conformists tend to claim that biology orders association forms and that these things are a part of the radical base of human nature. It is not hard to see how this philosophy can be used to genuine the current project of justification of nature and to discard the idea of natural limits to such development. Though it is challenging to demonstrate prove through argument, it is difficult to discharge the reaction that the oddness of somatic reproduction goes too far in the reorganization of the family and of the human psyche.

  Video about the Limitations:
  Video about the Ethical Issues:
  Picture of SCNT:
  Picture of Dolly:
  "Welcome." Welcome. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2014.  
  "CGS : Reproductive Cloning Arguments Pro and Con." CGS : Reproductive Cloning Arguments Pro and Con. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2014.
  "" What Is Reproductive Cloning? N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2014.
  "What Is Reproductive Cloning?" WiseGEEK. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.

  "Why Clone?" Why Clone? N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.
  "What Are Some Disadvantages of Cloning?" WiseGEEK. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2014.
  "Dolly the Sheep Dies Young." - 14 February 2003. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2014.
 "The Ethical, Social & Legal Issues of Cloning Animals & Humans." People. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct.   2014.
  "Pros and Cons of Reproductive Cloning." Human Cloning. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.

  Castro, Joseph. "FAQ: How Are Cloned Animals Made?" LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 18 Oct. 2011. Web. 25 Oct. 2014.

  "Infertile." The Free Dictionary. Farlex, n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2014.

  "CGS : Reproductive Cloning." CGS : Reproductive Cloning. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.

  "Process of Cloning." - N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2014.

  "Infertility." Causes. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2014.
  "EPublications." Infertility Fact Sheet. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2014.

  "Human Cloning Is the Cure for Infertility." Human Cloning Is the Cure for Infertility. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2014.
  "Missed Opportunity to Ban Reproductive Cloning." Nature Cell Biology7.4 (2005): 323. Web.
  Erezaloni*. CLONING AND THE LGBTIFAMILY: CAUTIOUS OPTIMISM (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 25 Oct. 2014.

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